How David created an app while I was sleeping

April 19, 2024
5 minute read

It seems like Fridays are when my business partner and CEO David Szabo-Stuban, you know, the tall guy who still has hair, makes some crazy stuff. Maybe he just gets exhausted during the week, so all he can do on Fridays are what really light his brain on fire.

I usually come to the office around 10-11 AM, today I arrived even later, at 12 PM.

He welcomed me with "Dude, I made it."

"Made what?" I said.

"The cheatcode app this morning!" he said with excitement, "You can finally chat with it and it remembers the conversation. It's also done by only this much code," *proceeds to show 70 lines of code written entirely by ChatGPT*, "and 2 Make scenarios."

I was like "WTF dude that's it?"

"Yeah, here’s how it works," he continued, clearly eager to dive into the details.

"First, we set up a webhook—think of it as a trigger that automatically sends data to other services whenever a certain event happens in our app. So, when someone types 'start' in our chat, it sends that command to our AI assistant through the webhook."

"And then what?" I asked, genuinely curious now.

"Then the magic happens. Our Assistant API, which is basically a brain provided by OpenAI, picks up this command. It not only generates a response based on the input but also starts a new 'thread.' This thread ID is crucial because it allows the conversation to continue with context. It remembers what was said before, just like a human conversation."

"That sounds complex. How do you keep track of everything?" I prodded, thinking about the technical nightmare this might be.

"Ah, that’s where the second Make scenario comes in. Every time you send a new message, it references the thread ID from the previous interaction. This keeps the conversation flowing and contextually relevant. So you can jump back in hours or even days later, and it still knows what you were talking about."

"So it's like an easy way to integrate custom GPTs ANYWHERE?" I mused.

"Exactly! And the best part? It’s all done with no code! Well, almost no code," he chuckled. "I wrote some with ChatGPT so I could deploy it. You don’t need a team of developers or even deep technical knowledge. Anyone can set this up with just a few clicks and some basic understanding of how these tools work together."

Seeing my interest, he added, "Currently this is running on the JARVIS prototype I made yesterday, but soon, we can integrate all the Cheatcode knowledge into it. But basically, you can make it use any kind of knowledge. Think about the applications! Customer support, personalized tutoring, even managing internal workflows—all without losing the thread of any conversation."

I was impressed. "So, how can someone like me get started with this?"

"Super simple. I'll send you the zip file with everything you need. Unzip it, upload it to GitHub for version control, then deploy it using Vercel or any similar platform. And voila, you have your very own persistent memory chatbot."

"And if you hit any snags, just tweak the scenarios in Make to fit your needs. The platform is pretty intuitive, plus there are tons of resources online to help you out."

As he finished explaining, it was clear David had hit on something special—a way to democratize technology so that anyone could create powerful, context-aware chatbots without breaking the bank or their brain.

As we wrapped up our talk, I couldn’t help but think about all the potential uses for this kind of technology. It wasn’t just a tool for developers; it was a tool for anyone curious enough to try it.

"Alright, let’s grab some coffee and you can show me a demo. I’ve got to see this in action," I said, eager to see just how seamlessly this web app worked.

He grinned, "After you see it, you'll start thinking of all the ways you can use it too. Let's go."

to be continued...

David shared this .zip file and a 12 minute video explaining everything on our community platform.

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hope you have an awesome weekend, I'll catch you next week!

Take care,
